The Benefits of Serving Klal Yisrael
I recently attended a wedding in which the chosson had just finished serving five years in the Marine Corps. There were multiple young men dressed
I recently attended a wedding in which the chosson had just finished serving five years in the Marine Corps. There were multiple young men dressed
In Poland, we heard an incredible story of the Mozhitzer Rebbe’s student, R’ Azriel David Fastag, the composer of many magnificent famous melodies of the
This week we read of “the Pesach Sheini people” who missed out on bringing the korban pesach at its due time since they were impure
The structure of Parshat Beha’alotecha appears slightly disjointed. It begins with instructions to Aharon concerning lighting the Menorah. The parsha then proceeds to the installation
When something’s important to us, we shouldn’t give up easily. This week’s Torah portion (Numbers 9:6-14) tells of how some people who wanted a second
The drama of a nazir illustrates our delicate interface with the physical world which surrounds us. Hashem crafted us as spiritual creatures—more angel than animal.
The nazir, one who vows not to drink wine, is elevated to a level of holiness similar to that of the Kohen Gadol. Like the
The city of Petra in Jordan is listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. In my years learning in Eretz Yisrael, during
At the beginning of Parshat Naso, the sons of Levi and their future generations are given tasks that they must do for the Mishkan. After
After Moshe constructs the Tabernacle, the Ramban explains that Hashem commands that the impure should be sent out of the camp in order that the
In last week’s Parsha of Bamidbar the Torah tells us that people were counted in several ways. They were counted according to their families, according
to It happened the Tuesday before Shavuot in Petach Tikvah. A 30 year old man, the father of three, Reb Shmuel Katzenelbogen, was seriously injured