Happy Wife, Happy Life
The Talmud (Yevamot 63a) encourages a husband to love his wife at least as much as he loves himself and to honor her more than
The Talmud (Yevamot 63a) encourages a husband to love his wife at least as much as he loves himself and to honor her more than
Planet Earth is covered with boundless water and no dry land is visible. No terrestrial creatures can inhabit this watery chaos. Birds circle overhead. Finally,
During World War II, many yeshivos in Europe closed and the boys were sent home, as everyone scrambled to find a safe place to hide
Why include the story of Migdal Bavel, the Tower of Babel, in the Torah? It serves as more than a mere a history lesson explaining
Did you ever stop to imagine what life was like inside Noach’s ark? There were three floors. The middle floor was filled with a collection
Some marketing people are really geniuses. Think of the one who invented the term “gluten-free.” Before that, they used terms such as “without gluten” or
I once attended a lecture in Aish HaTorah in which the rabbi told us of a survey where random people in Manhattan were asked, “Are
The Kotzker Rebbe, Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, zt”l, was once visiting a certain town, and as was customary with visiting teachers, he was invited to
It didn’t take long! Cradled in an exquisite garden and mandated with just one command, Man wasted no time in disobeying the Divine will. Guilty,
A colleague, Rabbi Jonathan Gross, served as a rabbi in Omaha, Nebraska, for close to a decade. Nebraskans, as you may know, take their football
At Yizkor, a son contemplates the loss of his mother this pandemic year and his father 40 years ago. I’ve always been mystified by those
Normally, we use the word “illusion” in a pejorative sense, a term of derision or something which is contrary to fact, to reality or to