Keep Your Distance
Certain things we just know aren’t good for us, but we’re tempted to do them anyhow. Is there any way to keep ourselves in control?
Certain things we just know aren’t good for us, but we’re tempted to do them anyhow. Is there any way to keep ourselves in control?
The new Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah Campus, in the heart of Yerushalayim, was hopping the other day. While 150 Ukrainian refugees were being processed in our
Parshat Bamidbar Sefer Bamidbar, which we begin this Shabbat, begins with the events that took place in the beginning of the second year of B’nei
The housing crunch is so large now, that even golf courses are being sold to build tracts and tracts of housing. Last week, the New
There’s a famous midrash on Parshas Yisro detailing how Hashem held Har Sinai over the heads of the Jewish people like a barrel, instructing them
I. The Law of The Abutter 1. Right of First Refusal When a property is put up for sale, Jewish law provides the owner of
As the Jewish people approached Har Sinai to receive the Torah, Rashi, quoting the Mechilta, describes us as being “ish echad b’lev echad,” as one
There have been many times that we have wondered why Hashem chose us to have four children with special needs. We have come up with
Rarely does one merit to see more than a hundred bachurim, yungeleit and even children under bar mitzvah publicly farhered on the entire Shas! That
Parshat Bechukotai uses the classical carrot or stick approach to motivate the new Jewish nation to follow Hashem’s decrees and commandments. First we read 10
In the Mishnah on Yevamot 81a, Rabbi Yossi and Rabbi Shimon declare that an androgynous kohen’s wife may eat terumah. A brayta (83a) seems to
After a whole slew of harsh punishments delineated in the “tochacha,” the pasuk finally says that we admitted our wrongdoings—“And they will confess their iniquity…”