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October 19, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Hindsight Is 20/20

In Parshat Ki Tisa, Moshe asked Hashem the age-old question: “Please make your ways known to me so that I can understand you.” The Gemara

Parshas Shekalim: Every Jew Matters

Last year on Shabbat Parshat Mishpatim, the Agudas Yisrael Bircas Yaakov, a shul in the Passaic/Clifton community, hosted a Shabbat with singer Shulem Lemmer. It

Can I Help Me?

I once heard a story from R’ Zecharia Wallerstein, about two friends who were once on an expedition to climb a tall mountain. Into their

Meat and Milk

Pesachim 44b If the Torah does not wish us to mix meat and milk, why not just say so? How, one may ask, are we

Drawing Near to the King

In last week’s Parshat Yitro, the Torah recounts Am Yisrael’s response to what they saw and heard at Har Sinai: “And all the people perceived

Using Our Parental Foundation

My cousin, Rabbi Nachman Seltzer, tells the following story.1 The Tzcherbiner Rav loved to listen and converse with yeshiva students about any topic of Torah

Give It a Rest

Which of the Aseret HaDibrot (10 commandments) came with a multiverse explanation in order to “sell” the idea to its followers? If you answered that

Absolute Unity

Vayichan sham Yisrael; klal Yisrael was not only at the foot of the mountain, but at the foot of their greatest achievement, their highest calling.

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