March 12, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

Personalizing Religion

God is a creator and Man His creature. What happens when man tries to imitate his God and transform himself into a creator? In many

Using Half a Shekel for the Good

I can’t get enough of my twin grandsons! These 2-year olds are so cute and lively! Over Shabbos they were opening up cabinets and emptying

The Two Aspects of the Mishkan

R’ Shmuel bar Nachmani said in the name of R’ Yonatan: The name Bezalel indicates his wisdom, for when Hashem told Moshe to tell Bezalel

Bread and Butter

I once asked a very successful businessman who was dedicated to his business, in addition to many passion projects, how he doesn’t get pulled into

Keeping the Flame Lit

In Parshat Vayakhel, Moshe gathers all of Bnei Yisrael to speak with them. The first part of his speech was how we should keep Shabbat

Sheldon, Come Home!

A Jewish woman went to India on what seemed to be a spiritual quest. She traveled a great distance to get to this ashram to

Returning to the Big Stage

The circumstances were dire. Weeks after pledging allegiance to Hashem we debased ourselves, frolicking around a calf fashioned from gold. The crashing sounds at Sinai

A Face-to-Face Relationship With God

One of Tanach’s most astonishing anthropomorphisms describes the way that Moshe communicates with God: “And God spoke to Moshe face-to-face, as a man speaks to

Joy Matters Even When Sinning

In this week’s parsha of Ki Tisa we read that shortly after witnessing the miracles of liberation from Egypt and seeing the Torah being given

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