The World Was Created For You (Chagiga 2)
When Adam was created, he arrived into a perfect world. There were skies and earth. Rivers and mountains. Plants and trees. Fish, birds and animals.
When Adam was created, he arrived into a perfect world. There were skies and earth. Rivers and mountains. Plants and trees. Fish, birds and animals.
The purpose of the priestly garments, as significantly discussed in this week’s parsha, was to set the kohen gadol apart from the people, investing in
Siyumim on Daf HaYomi B’Halacha and Seder Moed to be graced by HaGaonim HaRav Eliyahu Abba Shaul and HaRav Binyomin Finkel. It was an unforgettable
This week’s Torah portion teaches us about the kohanim, the special Jewish priests. They had the important job of conducting services in the Tabernacle and
(Courtesy of Halftime for Torah) A year has come and gone and the Super Bowl is back for its 56th edition. As you gather with
Every component of the Mishkan is iconic. Each article symbolizes a different aspect of religious experience. From the materials to the fabrics, from the dimensions
When the foundation of the famed Volozhin Yeshiva was being poured, Rav Chaim Volozhin, the founder and rosh yeshiva, stood there saying Tehillim for hours,
Part II כָּל מַה שֶּׁבָּרָא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא בְּעוֹלָמוֹ, לֹא בְרָאוֹ אֶלָּא לִכְבוֹדוֹ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ישעיה מג), כֹּל הַנִּקְרָא בִשְׁמִי וְלִכְבוֹדִי בְּרָאתִיו יְצַרְתִּיו אַף עֲשִׂיתִיו, וְאוֹמֵר
In Parshat Terumah, Hashem gave Moshe instructions to tell Bnei Yisrael that they may donate items in order to build Him a place to dwell.
In the first seven pesukim of parshat Terumah, there are either things missing or things that do not belong. The parsha begins by identifying items
Parshat Terumah begins with the mitzvah of asking each person to give a portion. Rashi translates this as requiring each person to set aside a
Rebecca was raised in a Reform Jewish family from Long Island, where she and her family belonged to a synagogue, attending services each year on