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October 19, 2024
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Divrei Torah

What’s in a Name?

Yaakov’s name change to Yisrael is very different from Avram’s name change to Avraham—for Yisrael constitutes an entirely new name. Furthermore, Yisrael serves not only

Keeping the Jewish People Holy

Cult leaders often force members into harmful behaviors by using various forms of coercion, mind control and threats of divine punishment. Most cults are usually

Rising Up Through Raising Up

Anticipating a heated confrontation with his big brother Eisav, the Torah surprisingly tells us that Yaakov “became extremely afraid” (Bereishit 32:8). Why was he so

Dinah in a Box

It is uncommon for the Torah to mention the birth of daughters—but it does tell us about Dinah’s birth. However, when Yaakov splits his family

Optimism vs. Pessimism

Are optimists naive to believe that things will turn out OK? Isn’t it smarter to be cynical and wait for the other shoe to drop?

Serving Religion for Thanksgiving

Modern-day democracies have transformed civilization by introducing innovative and powerful ideas, both about our personal lives as well as about the type of society we

An Attitude of Gratitude

Once a year in America we have a special day set aside when we are asked to pause and give thanks for all the blessings

The Pesach Parsha

If it is the middle of the month of Kislev, and if we are reading Parshat Vayeitzei, it is obvious that we need to discuss

Remote, Not Removed

Understanding Yaakov Avinu’s frame of mind in Parshat Vayeitzei offers an enlightening insight as to how to best navigate in a time of ambiguity and

Bigger, Better Picture

Yaakov is on the run from his big bro Eisav, and interestingly enough, this escape drama affects the way the text of the Torah looks.

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