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October 17, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Fulfilling Our Birthright

Last year, Parshas Toldos was the occasion of the pidyon haben (redeeming the firstborn) of the older of our twin grandsons. For my own family,

I Will Choose Free Will

The world of religious ideas was steadily coalescing. Gradually, God introduced humanity to fundamental principles of religion. The horrific flood demonstrated the rule of moral

‘Letz’ Think About It

“These are the offsprings of Yitzchak the son of Avraham; Avraham bore Yitzchak.” If Yitzchak is the son of Avraham, it seems redundant to then

Tranquil Triumphs

There is something to be said for revolutionaries. For founders. For the people who have the foresight and the daring to chart a course untrodden.

Living With God

Avraham’s revolution had begun to gain traction. He traversed the promised land, participating both in wars as well as in diplomacy, all the while disseminating

Hashem Will Provide

I recently received a phone call from an out-of-town friend of mine. His young adult daughter had been dating a yeshiva-oriented young man and it

Belonging to the Land

Parshat Chayei Sarah describes the first portion of land any Jew ever owned in Israel: Avraham’s purchase of the Machpeilah cave in Chevron as a

No Questions Asked

Ephron pulls the chair on Avraham, positing an exorbitant amount of cash for the plot of land Avraham wants to bury Sarah in. Avraham had

To Sojourn in the Land

Editor’s note: This dvar torah corresponds to Breishis 47:4, and overlaps and complements לא בחיל ולא בכח from 16 Cheshvan, 5781 (2 November, 2020). We are grateful

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