Verses in Tanach Where the Actor Is Unclear
In his new book, “Pursuing Peshat (Kodesh Press, 2024),” Dr. Moshe Sokolow includes a chapter in which he discusses many verses in Tanach where the
In his new book, “Pursuing Peshat (Kodesh Press, 2024),” Dr. Moshe Sokolow includes a chapter in which he discusses many verses in Tanach where the
As people of faith, we often challenge ourselves to think of who is really holy and pious. In many minds, piety is often associated with
In Sefer Bereishit, the Torah describes three incidents in the life of the biblical character Joseph which get repeated. In chapter 37, Joseph tells of
As we near the conclusion of Sefer Bereishis, I wanted to share a perspective on the sefer I haven’t seen or heard before. Seemingly, the
In an ideal medical world, patient care would mirror the teamwork of a baseball game. Just as players in the field collaborate to prevent the
Regardless of how much importance any of you ascribe to January 1, it is of interest to recognize that Judaism tends to eschew “new” when
Listen to these words that are among the most fateful and reverberating in all of Jewish history: “Joseph recognised his brothers, but they did not
Debate There is considerable debate about deriving halacha as addressed in the following sources: Yerushalmi (Peah 2:4), Pitchei Teshuva Even HaEzer 119:5, Encyclopedia Talmudit (1:62),
Parashat Miketz Shabbat Chanukah Our haftarah this Shabbat, Shabbat Chanukah, is taken from Sefer Zecharya. The navi served his people in the fifth century BCE
Many aspects of the Jewish calendar were historically placed under the control of the Jewish court, which in turn allowed them to decide when festivals
Collateralization of Olam Haba and consequential dreams have an important place in our recent parshiot. Closer to home, my son recently asked me if Rav
When the brothers found the money that Yosef had hidden in their sacks, they asked, “Mah zot asa lanu Elokim? What is this that Hashem