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October 18, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Spying on Your Inner Thoughts

What the meraglim can teach us about cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy has given therapists all over the world the ability to help release people from

Yeshiva Tuition and the Coronavirus

To our great sadness, the societal shutdown due to the coronavirus also closed yeshivos. The government rightly insisted that all schools cease in-class teaching. Schools

A Religious Guide to Social Equality

Over the past three months, the coronavirus medical crisis has induced a worldwide upheaval. The social protests in the U.S. surrounding the death of George

Positive Power

“Life is great!” is usually not the typical response we are used to hearing. More often than not, we are usually met with a simple

We Are Back!

The average Dirshu member soon develops an inner core of mesiras nefesh. Without it, there is no way he can keep up with the rigorous

Praying for Health

If our fate is decreed on Rosh Hashanah, are we allowed to pray for better health when we become ill? Does it help at all?

Thoughts That Count

Jews count. We count up. We count down. We count hours, days, weeks, months and sabbatical years. We also count minyan members, ounces, handbreadths, egg

In and Out of Bounds

At first glance, Parshat Naso seems an odd amalgamation of topics. First, we have the conclusion of the census of the Levite families and the

Dealing With Life’s Challenges

My rosh yeshiva in Israel, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, zt”l (late rosh yeshiva of Mir Yerushalayim), was stricken with Parkinson’s disease for his entire tenure

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