September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Preserving National Identity

Parshat Ki Teitzei presents a seemingly harsh set of guidelines for inclusion within the Jewish people. Marriage is strictly limited to pedigreed Jews and, additionally,

Being Mindful of Others

Last week we discussed the importance of offering a positive gesture to another person, and how powerful—even something small of that sort—can actually be. We

Statistics and Sorcerers

The ancient pagan residents of Israel practiced widespread sorcery and black magic. Many of these rituals, including witchcraft, wizardry, necromancy and soothsaying, were aimed at

Taking the Initiative in Elul

Family vacations can be fun and exhausting at the same time. We returned from ours very late Thursday night. Our heads hit the pillow around

From I Can’t to I Can

We can never underestimate the power of a kind gesture, even a seemingly insignificant one… When the body of a murder victim is found between

Battling Our Fears

In Parshat Shoftim we read about the individual who was preparing for battle. In describing such a person the Torah writes, “When you do battle

Achieving True Wealth by Giving

Rabbi Sorotzkin runs the organization Lev L’Achim in Eretz Yisrael, an organization specializing in being mekarev (bringing closer to Judaism) those who don’t have a

Kosher World

At the core of Jewish identity lies kosher dietary laws and kosher eating. Almost every “identified” Jew maintains some minimal standard of a kosher diet.

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