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September 16, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

What Do You Daven For?

Over a generation ago, Abie Rotenberg composed a song, “Who am I,” to be performed at a HASC concert. In the song, he describes

What Is Life?

When the month of Elul comes, and the impending Day of Judgment, Rosh Hashanah, we not only are reflecting on specific actions we may have

Selichot: Do Unto Others

Avi is a young man who had an “I told you so” moment. His parents had warned him, many times, to drive within the speed

The Significance of Hurricanes

Hurricane season is here. We recently experienced the devastation of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas a short while ago. Residents from Florida to North Carolina

The Essence of Viduy

This week’s parsha discusses the law of allocating any of the third-year tithes that might have remained in our possession. The Torah commands that along

On Changing Judaism for LGBT

Anyone reading this probably knows someone gay. The explicit biblical prohibition against homosexual activity and the associated rabbinic prohibitions, including the rabbinic condemnation of gay

Preserving National Identity

Parshat Ki Teitzei presents a seemingly harsh set of guidelines for inclusion within the Jewish people. Marriage is strictly limited to pedigreed Jews and, additionally,

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