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September 19, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

The ‘Little Things’ Count

Joe Wallis was a very successful weapons and aircraft dealer. He was once giving a tour of his facility to a prospective purchaser, a representative

Reframing Life With Bitachon

Last week we discussed the idea of having an emotional emunah: Understanding emotionally, and feeling strongly that Hashem is the only One in complete control

A World Without Awe

Worrying about a possible religious erosion once he is retired, Moshe exhorts the Jewish people toward the trait of yirat shamayim. He presents this trait

Papa’s Progeny

Last week was the season of siyums across the Jewish world, as many carnivores flocked to meals in restaurants, homes, camps, and shuls where masechtot

Emotional Emunah

“Ein od milvado”—There is none other besides for Him.” This week’s parsha advances the core idea of belief in God: “And you should know today

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