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September 19, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Too Much or Too Little?

The mighty fall fast and fall hard! Parshat Beha’alotecha begins by showcasing a confident nation, primed to enter the land of destiny and to usher

Making the Right Choices

Avi was sitting in a Jerusalem restaurant with a group of Israelis who had recently committed to keeping Torah and mitzvos. The waiter brought watermelon

The Glory of Giving Back

In reference to the lighting of the Menorah, the midrash (Bamidbar Rabba 15:5) relates that Hashem said to Bnei Yisrael, “You should provide light for

Religious Specialization

At 176 pesukim, Parshat Naso “tops the charts” as the longest parsha in the entire Torah. Its heft is a product of the protracted final

Kiruv at Its Best

In reference to the Birkat Kohanim, the pasuk that appears immediately before the actual blessings states, “Thus shall you bless the children of Israel, speak

The 30-Day Challenge

Early in our marriage, my wife and I lived in Eretz Yisroel in the neighborhood of Maalot Dafna, with twin girls of 18 months. The

Motorcycling and Jewish Pride

We recently were privileged to participate in the annual Celebrate Israel parade. Among the hundreds of groups that marched, one group rode up Fifth Avenue

Insights Into Shavuot

My late relative, Rav Avrohom Genechovsky, zt”l, shared with me a wonderful insight that has relevant applicability to Shavuot. He quoted the Gemara in Brachot

The Undying Influence

The weeks following Pesach bring us to the time of Kabbalat HaTorah. Just before receiving the Torah, the pasuk (Yisro 19:17) says that all of

Role Play, or Playing the Role?

When referring to the Leviim, the Torah uses an interesting word that appears in a few of those references: “And I have hereby taken the

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