September 7, 2024
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September 7, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Ki Tisa: Emulsifying Shabbat

The mitzvah of Shabbat is so seminal that it surfaces in five different parshiyot in Sefer Shemot. Among these “appearances” is the discussion of Shabbat

Tetzaveh: Clothing and Religion

Having already delineated the structural components of the Mishkan, in Parshat Tetzaveh the Torah depicts the wardrobe of the kohanim. By way of introduction, the

Parshat Terumah: Wuddup Dawggg

The Midrash Tanchuma on this week’s parsha records an interesting and intriguing conversation between Turnus Rufus and Rebbe Akiva. Turnus Rufus asked Rebbe Akiva: “What

Parshat Terumah: Stairway to Heaven

One could be forgiven for feeling jaded by incessant requests to fund organizations and individuals. After all, we are all inundated by tzedakah letters on

Mishpatim: The Sapphire King

One of the primary themes of Har Sinai was the absence of any images associated with God. The heavens reverberated with the fulminating Divine voice,

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