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September 20, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Stop Kvetching, Make Coffee

In this week’s parsha of Beha’alotcha, all sorts of complaining takes place. We read that “The people took to complaining…” (11:1). This was not about

The Soul’s Illumination

We all know that in addition to our physical body, we possess a soul—a neshama. But what is a neshama, and is there a concrete

Count Everyone; Everyone Counts

This week’s parsha of Bamidbar starts with a common mistranslation offered by Artscroll and others. In Chapter 1, verse 2, God commands Moshe, “Se’u et

The Walls That Protect Us

Our attention was recently focused once again toward the State of Israel, not only due to the 51st anniversary of Yom Yerushalayim or even due

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