Reaffirming the Covenant at Sinai: A Truly Inclusive Event
From the time I was a young boy I have been taught that everyone was present when we received the Torah at Mount Sinai, even
From the time I was a young boy I have been taught that everyone was present when we received the Torah at Mount Sinai, even
The Book of Bereishit portrays three vastly different visits to Yerushalayim. Avraham first encounters this city after intervening in a raging world war. Years later,
Many times when I drive from a meeting or an errand and head for a quick stop at the grocery store, I find myself pulling
Last time we focused on the mandate of “Kedoshim tihiyu, ki kadosh ani Hashem Elokeichem,You shall be holy for I, the Lord your God, am
We can all think of that communal disagreement that just won’t go away. Is that popular tune someone likes to use for lecha dodi really
Parshat Bechukotai Let’s get right into it. Last week we left off with the question of how to keep our Jewish values and commitment to
Earlier this month, Michaela Levit, a 19-year-old lone Israeli soldier from Miami, sadly committed suicide. She was the third Israeli lone soldier to commit suicide
Parshat Behar effectively concludes the legal section of Vayikra, the sefer with the highest degree of halachic density. The entire book of Vayikra contains only
The mishnaic sage Ben Zoma famously asked four rhetorical questions, recorded in the first mishnah of Pirkei Avot, Chapter 4: Ben Zoma said: Who is
Everyone’s words have power. Our words can change someone’s perspective on another person, whether it makes them think greatly or horribly of them. Our words
We’re all very familiar with the idea of peer pressure, associating with the right people, distancing from negative influences, etc. Where does this “pressure to
The midrash (Vayikra Rabbah 27) brings a story of Alexander of Macedonia who at that point had conquered the known civilized world and was now