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September 20, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Hard to Swallow: Controversies 

Over Kashrut of Contemporary Toothpaste May this special post be an ilui neshama (merit for the soul) of my dear mother, Mrs. Joan Maybruch, Yocheved

Good Choices, Bad Choices

God writes in His holy Torah, “See I have placed before you today, the life and the good, the death and the evil, good and

Coming Full Circle

When Kibbutz Lavi’s furniture company agreed to take on restoration work on a synagogue in Germany, what they didn’t know was that their own kibbutz

Breathing Aleph

“Other than the Creator, there is nothing.”— Yehoshua Bin Nun, Aleinu Sure, you are huge. I mean, you are 10 billion times larger than a

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