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September 20, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Are You Listening?

Last week I had quite an unusual experience, which fortunately I was able to laugh about. The alternative would have been to cry, and I

Sanctifying Hashem in Life

I have a question that you may not have thought of because it appears simple, but as you’ll see the question is more difficult than

Parshat Bo: Know Your Place

As my wife and I passed by the ladies’ shoe department in a large department store, we saw hundreds of pairs of beautifully displayed expensive

Proactive Sensitivity

Imagine the scene: All of Yaakov’s children surrounding the coffin of their beloved father, standing reverently, tearfully, at the entrance to the Mearat HaMachpela…and in

Recognizing Our Bonuses

There is a section in the Talmud (Berachot 7b) that says that no one thanked God since the creation of the world until Leah thanked

They Walked Before God

The book of Genesis presents us with different people, among them Noach and Avraham. One common description of these two men is that they walked

Examining Parshat Noach

We encounter Noach in this week’s parsha, who symbolizes an entity of rest (the root word being menucha), whose chief mission was to carry on

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