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September 20, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Discipline and Suffering

As a parent, grandparent and psychologist, I am often considered to be something of an expert on parenting and child rearing. In that capacity, I

Answering Unanswered Prayers

Did you ever really pray for something you wanted? I mean, really fervently, desperately, pray hard for something that was vitally important to you? If

The Kiss of Hope

Would you ever imagine that our holy Sages had a lot to say about a kiss? Would we not assume that kisses would be judged

I Act, Therefore I Am

Are you feeling depressed? Then dance! Feeling lazy? Work! Angry? Smile! Hostile? Act friendly! These are not merely glib bits of advice when there is

Doing It My Way

Most of us have had occasions in our lives when we acted as supervisors over others. It might have been in our role as parents

Miriam and Mei Merivah

Parashat Hukat tells the story of mei merivah—the waters of contention—to explain why Moses and Aaron are denied the opportunity to shepherd the Israelites to

Discovering Our Mortality

It was at a house of mourning, and she was saying something that I had heard many times before. In fact, I had said it

Better They Learn From Me

Conflict resolution is one of the most important tasks in human relations at every level. Open up any newspaper, and you will read of schoolchildren

Appearances and Reality

Even the most casual observer of human behavior knows that people are not always what they seem to be. We all have a public face,

Candle of God Is the Soul of Man

I no longer remember which Israeli artist colony I was visiting. Perhaps Jaffa. But I will never forget the crude, almost primitive paintings that were

The Nazir and Narcissus

Webster’s dictionary defines paradox as “a statement that is contradictory in fact and, hence, false.” In life, however, there are numerous paradoxes that are, strangely

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