Yerushalayim: Then and Now
And Malkitzedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine (Bereishis 14:18) The significance of Malkitzedek, the high priest, bringing forth bread and wine to
And Malkitzedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine (Bereishis 14:18) The significance of Malkitzedek, the high priest, bringing forth bread and wine to
This fall, Chabad of West Orange will offer “Worrier to Warrior,” a new six-session course by the acclaimed Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), to help
As Avraham begins his journey through his ten nisyonot (challenges and trials), it leads us to think about the nisyonot that each of us go
I’m just going to say it as it is. The talmidei chachamim comprising the vast body of the Dirshu Torah army live lives of genuine
Sadly, an entire planet had suffered total moral collapse and was tragically annihilated by the violent waters of the flood. Noach’s world disappears and humanity
The Torah states that “Noach was a perfect tzaddik…Noach walked with Hashem.” [1] Chazal teach that Avraham was on a higher level, as the Torah
Late June 1976; passengers boarding Air France flight 139 discover it is now stopping in Athens en route to Paris. Some, like George and Rivka
We are all being warned about global warming and climate change. Erratic weather patterns have lately emerged where droughts, floods, hurricanes and glacial meltdowns are
Usually the way to “fix” something is to see the problem with it and thereupon create a solution to deal with that problem. However, when
There are few times during the year that are busier for roshei yeshiva and poskim than the week before Rosh Hashanah. Nevertheless, leading luminaries such
Around 25 years ago, on Shabbat Bereishit, I attended a Friday night talk of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, zt”l, prior to Maariv prayers. These extensive wide-ranging
In our Monday parshanut shiur at Lamdeinu we are studying the story of the engagement of Yitzchak and Rivkah in Chapter 24 of Sefer Bereishit.