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September 19, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

“Place” of Change

Gandhi, the founder of civil disobedience who ultimately led approximately 300 million Indians to freedom in 1947, famously said, “Be the change that you wish

Reflections on the Shofar

The sound of the shofar is in the air. The Hebrew month of Elul has come, preparing us for Rosh Hashanah. But this Rosh Hashanah,

Trauma And Teshuvah

My graduate training in psychology taught me a great deal. But there were major topics that were simply not part of our curriculum. Interestingly, these

Digital Torah: The Great Unifier

I have always been fascinated by large Jewish gatherings and Israel’s national events. Yom Haatzmaut ceremonies, the mass Birkat Kohanim (Blessing of the priests) at

Lessons of Equality

For the past several weeks, certain ideas have dominated my consciousness. Don’t worry, these are not obsessive thoughts, and I am not a candidate for

The Good Old Days

“We want fish, we want fish!” These ridiculous chants boomed through the Jewish camp as an angry mob clamored for a return to Egypt. Astonishingly,

The Participant Observer

I have had a long and abiding interest in the process by which we make decisions in our lives. Long ago, I was taught that

What’s Missing In This Picture?

The old and crum­bling building housed a synagogue that was a “gift” from Joseph Sta­lin to the Jews of Odes­sa. Historically, Odessa was a metropolis

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