Parshat Shemot: It’s All in the Name
Our sefer/parsha is known as the Book of Names, on the surface because it deals with names: the shevatim (tribes), Moshe Rabbeinu and Hashem. However,
Our sefer/parsha is known as the Book of Names, on the surface because it deals with names: the shevatim (tribes), Moshe Rabbeinu and Hashem. However,
Imagine the scene: All of Yaakov’s children surrounding the coffin of their beloved father, standing reverently, tearfully, at the entrance to the Mearat HaMachpela…and in
What an emotional scene plays out before us when Yosef is reunited with Binyamin, his long-lost blood brother, whom he has not seen in 22
In our sedra, as famine hits Canaan, our forefather Yitzchak is forced to leave his promised land for the more fertile countries to its south.
There is a section in the Talmud (Berachot 7b) that says that no one thanked God since the creation of the world until Leah thanked
Congregation Ohr HaTorah, located at 36 Rector Court in Bergenfield, is hosting their first Chanukah boutique on December 18 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.
The book of Genesis presents us with different people, among them Noach and Avraham. One common description of these two men is that they walked
We encounter Noach in this week’s parsha, who symbolizes an entity of rest (the root word being menucha), whose chief mission was to carry on
As we continue to explore the role of friendship in marriage, it strikes me how relevant this topic is to the month of Elul. During
Throughout these post-Tisha B’Av weeks, we have emphasized the point made by Tosafot (Megilla 31b) that the words of consolation and the visions of the
If only real life was as simple as the child’s game of “hot and cold”! When searching for an item, the child is prompted when
Many of the greatest Sephardic authorities of the prior generation, Rav Ovadia Yosef (Teshuvot Yechave Da’at 5:62), Rav Shalom Massas (Teshuvot Shemesh UMagein 1: EH: