“Torah is the Essence of Life”
“Living the Daf,” Celebrated at Dirshu Convention Grand Melava Malka as the March to World Siyum Continues “Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz said, ‘Torah is not
“Living the Daf,” Celebrated at Dirshu Convention Grand Melava Malka as the March to World Siyum Continues “Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz said, ‘Torah is not
The following was presented on Father-Son Learning Day at Yeshiva Heichal HaTorah, delivered to the students of his grandson, Rabbi Zev Senter. Sixty years ago,
The triumph at the Red Sea was convincing and final. Watching their former taskmasters washing up on the jagged banks of the ocean convinced the
Many years ago in Europe, a wealthy Jewish businessman made his living exporting lumber from Kovno to America. One time, an export official wouldn’t clear
Moshe’s initial daring message of redemption went unheeded by the Jewish population. The Torah describes the national state of kotzer ru’ach and avoda kasha; the
Someone once wrote a letter to the great Rav Moshe Feinstein, asking him if individuals should remove their yarmulkes when walking into places of questionable
Imagine it’s December 1932, and you’re preparing to light Chanukah candles in Kiel, Germany, where, across the street, stands the headquarters of the Nazi Party.
Part II Two years ago I wrote about my journey of nearly 3,500 miles to get a blessing (bracha) from a very special gentleman in
Last week I made an amazing discovery. It’s called the silent mode on my cell phone. No ringing for incoming phone calls, no vibrating noises
Parents invest thousands of dollars in the education of their children, seeing it as a critical tool in their success. Schooling is not the only
While Western civilization views history as evolutionary and open-ended, Judaism views it is cyclical and predetermined. At several points in our tefillah we recite the
Beginning this week, when we read Parshat Shemot, through mid-February, when we read Parshat Tetzaveh, we find ourselves in a period of the Jewish calendar