March 16, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

Clinging to Perfection

Did you ever think that in an imperfect world there can be an entity of perfection? Would it be comforting to know that you could

Korach: Choosing Neighbors in Israel

The Korach insurrection about which we read this week arose from simmering unrest centered in the southern flank of the Jewish desert encampment. The Levite

Have Faith in Yourself

Have you ever had someone try to take the wind out your sails, telling you, “You are not so special. You are never going to

The Challenge of Independence

Parshat Shelach: 25 Sivan 5778 I’ve always found it intriguing that the 12 men sent by Moshe to investigate Canaan in Parshat Shelach are never

Supernatural and Practical

Under normal conditions, the journey from the Sinai Desert to the Land of Israel consumes all of 11 days! The original itinerary comprised a quick

The Emblem of the State of Israel

The parsha details the daily lighting of the menorah in the Mishkan. This description of the menorah is juxtaposed to the inauguration of the Mishkan

Stop Kvetching, Make Coffee

In this week’s parsha of Beha’alotcha, all sorts of complaining takes place. We read that “The people took to complaining…” (11:1). This was not about

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