March 15, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

The ‘Lecha Dodi’ Prayer

Let us first discuss its author. We know his name because of the acrostic that runs through stanzas one through eight: Sh-L-M-H H-L-V-Y: The reference

The Akeidah Revisited in 5785

A few days before Rosh Hashanah, an unforgettable photograph went around our family chat. A father was giving a bracha to his son as the

Keeping Quiet

Not all news is fit to print and not everything we hear bears repeating, especially when doing so could cause bad feelings between people. In

The Power of Example

So familiar are we with the story of Abraham that we do not always stop to think about what a strange turn it is in

Torat Emet Versus Harvard’s Lies

Rav Yosef Sees Olam Haba Bava Batra 10b records the remarkable episode of Rav Yosef’s near-death experience in which he catches glimpses of Olam Haba

Uncovering the Remarkable Avraham

 Parshat Lech Lecha The opening pesukim of our haftarah are verses that immediately follow the haftarah of parshat Vaetchanan, the haftarah known as “Nachamu.” And,

Noble Wars

Our Noble War Avraham ignited a revolution of consciousness that would forever reshape the spiritual landscape. Amid a world steeped in idol worship and fragmented

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