My Takeaway From Sukkot
Of all the amazing, joyful and meaningful events on Sukkot, two powerful moments stand out in my mind. One was on the morning of Simchat
Of all the amazing, joyful and meaningful events on Sukkot, two powerful moments stand out in my mind. One was on the morning of Simchat
“And the King of the South will conspire with the King of the North to attack the residents of the land; and the Ammonites and
There is a business concept discussed in microeconomics called “opportunity cost,” which is defined as “money or benefits lost by not selecting a particular option
One of the issues with which many of us grapple is our need for other people’s approval. We expend a great deal of energy trying
A father set out one day to teach his young daughter a powerful lesson. When she woke up in the morning, he took her in
A Unique Set of Pesukim The events described in the Torah were written by Moshe Rabbeinu, exactly as transmitted from Hashem after those events occurred.
Although the Torah tells us that no one knows where Moshe was buried (Devarim 34:6), this is preceded by the Torah telling us that he
Do you know the secret of the Chafetz Chaim? When I say “the Chafetz Chaim,” you think of a person, the saintly Rabbi Yisrael Meir
Parshat Vezot Haberacha relates that when Moshe died, “Bnei Yisrael wept for him,” which Rashi explains refers to just the males weeping for Moshe. On
The tragic news has just arrived that the great Avraham has died. The entire world is grieving the loss of the spiritual leader of the
On the one hand, never before have Jews been as prosperous as they are now. Both the vast majority of individuals and the community in
On Bava Metzia 116, Rami bar Chama poses two questions. The Mishna had stated a kelal, a general rule, that (i) when someone has higher