Hanging and Using Hammocks on Shabbat
לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: I want to buy a hammock and am considering two types: One is attached to
לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: I want to buy a hammock and am considering two types: One is attached to
Parshas Ki Seitzei speaks of the “ben sorer u’moreh—the rebellious child.” This rebellious child became so caught up in his gluttonous ways that he stopped
Part II As I wrote last week, this disputation took place over four days. It was held at the palace of King James I of
(The following ideas have been born, in part, due to a severe health challenge I’ve been dealing with for the past 12 years: losing my
One of the teshuva themes likely to be echoed in sermons this Elul is that last year’s teshuva was, somehow, so lacking that the result
We have clarified the hashkafa needed for the members of the Great Battalion. Hashem created us humans to uplift the rest of Creation in His
We are in the days leading to Mashiach, and in Parshat Ki Tetzei, we have the answer to bringing it faster! The Gemara tells us
Would you like to see prophecies of consolation coming true before your very eyes? We’ve been reading the haftarot of nechama—consolation–which describe Jerusalem awakening from
At a dinner to celebrate the work of a communal leader, the guest speaker paid tribute to his many qualities: his dedication, hard work and
Sefer Devarim 19:14 teaches, “Lo tasig gevul reiacha—Do not withdraw your friend’s fence,” (i.e., don’t move your neighbor’s property line). This prohibition is obvious; the
The Talmud sternly warns against invoking Divine compassion by referencing “the compassion He shows to the mother bird,” who is sent away before her chicks
I just completed learning Gemara Eruvin with the Yeshiva Ner Boruch-PTI’s Kollel and morning-seder Chabura. One of the major concepts of Eruvin is the effect