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Rav Yehoshua Eizek Shapiro of Slonim, zt”l—known as Rav Eizel Charif—was a phenomenal gaon, the rosh yeshiva in Minsk, and served as the rav of
Rav Yehoshua Eizek Shapiro of Slonim, zt”l—known as Rav Eizel Charif—was a phenomenal gaon, the rosh yeshiva in Minsk, and served as the rav of
In our parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu tells Bnei Yisrael about the phenomenon of a false prophet: “If there should stand up in your midst a prophet
We are still within the year of mourning for the losses that began on October 7 and continue on all too many tragic days, during
This week’s parsha opens with the verses, “Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse. The blessing, that you will listen to
At the end of the Av HaRachamim prayer, we recite two verses from Psalms 110:6-7. Here are the two verses—along with verse 5—which precedes them:
When it comes to work, we shouldn’t shirk. In this week’s Torah portion (Num. 32:6) Moses reprimands some of the tribes who asked to avoid
It is one of the most important words in Judaism, and also one of the least understood. Its two most famous occurrences are in last
Identifying Scales Required May we purchase salmon filets from a non-kosher store? Normally, halacha insists we see a fish’s scales to ensure we are buying
Our people are facing a gut-wrenching decision and an unimaginable dilemma. There are currently 116 hostages imprisoned in Gaza who have suffered through over 300
I recall attending a lovely wedding where the singer concluded singing, “Im Eshkachech,” and the glass was placed under the chosson’s foot to break. As
More Than Just Repair We have seen how challenges can shake our confidence and hinder growth. In truth, Hashem intends the opposite effect—He orchestrates these
Unconditional love. We know what that means when it comes to our relationships with family members and friends. What does it mean when it comes