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October 26, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Teshuva vs. Teshuva

Parshat Vayikra Shabbat Zachor When, over the years, I had the privilege—and the challenge—of teaching this 15th perek of sefer Shmuel Aleph to young students,

Four Aspects of Thanksgiving

The korban todah, Thanksgiving offering, is basically a shelamim, a peace offering. But unlike any other shelamim it is brought with four different types of

Give and You Shall Love

The Book of Shemot ends on a high note. The Mishkan is completed and is filled with the Presence of God. Before we move forward,

Amalek and the Gaza War

I. Amalek Today With the October 7 Hamas attacks and the subsequent war, many have discussed the concept of the timeless war against Amalek. Amalek

An Enduring Legacy

Lt. Com. Amishar Ben-David, HY”D fell in combat in Gaza. During the shiva, his family received a condolence visit from a unique visitor, Ido Yogev.

Amud HaYomi Siyum Rouses Mexico

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Ezrachi and HaGaon HaRav Raphael Abuchatzeira address massive united gathering of Mexico Torah observant community. “What a special maamad of kavod haTorah!

Hidden Good

A big lesson of Purim is that sometimes things that seem bad are really God’s hidden ways of giving us something good. In the Megillah,

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