‘Justice and Righteousness’
Parshat Devarim Shabbat Chazon This pre-Tisha B’Av reading, the last of the three haftarot of punishment (“telat de puranuta”), begins by describing the punishments that
Parshat Devarim Shabbat Chazon This pre-Tisha B’Av reading, the last of the three haftarot of punishment (“telat de puranuta”), begins by describing the punishments that
While some people love gematria, others are skeptical. Whatever your attitude, keep in mind that gematria isn’t a modern-day invention but is prevalent throughout the
On March 27, 2012, to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the Queen, an ancient ceremony took place at Buckingham Palace. A number of institutions presented
No Fear: Og Versus Sichon “Do not fear him,” Moshe Rabbeinu recounts Hashem telling him before he faced Og Melech HaBashan in war (Devarim 3:2).
In Bava Batra 47b, we encounter the “Sicarius,” in a quote from Mishnah Gittin 5:6. That Mishna lays out a law that, if one first
Rabbi Yisachar Dov Ber of Radoshitz was once baderech (on the road), and spent the night at an inn. In the morning, he rushed to
וָאֹמַר אֲלֵכֶם בָּעֵת הַהִוא לֵאמֹר לֹא אוּכַל לְבַדִּי שְׂאֵת אֶתְכֶם: יְדֹוָד אֱלֹקיכֶם הִרְבָּה אֶתְכֶם וְהִנְּכֶם הַיּוֹם כְּכוֹכְבֵי הַשָּׁמַיִם לָרֹב: יְדֹוָד אֱלֹקי אֲבוֹתֵכֶם יֹסֵף עֲלֵיכֶם כָּכֶם
As Moshe’s end was drawing near, he began to rebuke Bnei Yisrael, reminding them of their many misdeeds since leaving Mitzrayim. Interestingly, Rashi points out
After recapping what happened with the מרגלים, Moshe adds that the nation “dwelled in Kadesh for many days” (Devarim 1:46). But which Kadesh? Was it
By now, most people have heard about the incident where Nurali Emomal, a judo competitor from Tajikistan, refused to shake the hand of his Israeli
In Parshat Devarim (1:12), Moshe says to the people, “How can I alone bear your contentiousness, your burdens and your quarrels?” Is this a tone
Reviewing: ‘Pursuing Peshat: Tanakh, Parshanut and Talmud Torah,’ by Dr. Moshe Sokolow. Kodesh Press, 2024. English. Paperback. 372 pages. ISBN-13: 979-8888940211. Dr. Moshe Sokolow’s new