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October 25, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Deal Me Out

A Korten Shpiller (card player) I’m not. Yet, for centuries now, a custom has arisen where, come this Sunday night, Torah study is put on

Seeking Fame

Learn the words below to figure out the joke: נֶחְמָד – Nice רֵיאָלֵטִי- Reality הַחֶלְקָה עַל הַקֶּרַח -Ice skating סִפּוּר חַיִּים -Your life story בִּשְׁבִיל

Standing Firm

When people feel they are being unfairly taken advantage of, they often think their only choice is either to react angrily or just give in

Sous-Vide for Meat and Milk

Sous-vide cooking involves placing food in a plastic pouch and cooking in a water bath at a precisely regulated temperature. A video explaining how sous-vide

‘Ha’ikar Chahser Min Hasefer’

Parashat Miketz “Ha’ikar chahser min hasefer.” This expression, arguing that the essential idea that one proposed was untenable simply because the source for the approach

Sibling Rivalry

Read these words that are among the most fateful and reverberating in all of Jewish history: Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize

Poison Ivy: Too Smart for Their Own Good?

Knowledge can easily blur true and falsehood. Accuracy lies in the subtleties of wisdom. (Sefat Emmet, Chanukah) Throughout Mishlei, Shlomo Hamelech explores the relationship between

Pursuing Mitzvos In a Beautiful Way

Last week, Congress summoned the presidents of three of the leading universities—MIT, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania. The reason: to pointedly question them about

This Land Is Our Land! Bayamim Haheim, Bazman Hazeh

לא ארץ נכריה לקחנו, ולא ברכוש זרים משלנו. כי אם נחלת אבותנו שנכבשה בלא משפט, וכאשר היה לקל ידינו השיבונו אותה לנו (ספר המכבים א:טו:לג–לד

With a Kiss

As the Rav of Brisk and later in the holy city of Yerushalayim, Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin, known as the Maharil, zt”l, was known as

Strength to Fulfill Responsibility

As Yehudah pleads with his father Ya’akov to allow him to bring Binyamin to Mitzrayim, pursuant to the request of the authorities in Egypt (Yosef),

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