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October 25, 2024
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Divrei Torah

How Awesome Is This Place

“This world is a mask which hides a higher world. But it is a unique mask: It hides, and yet it reveals. It is opaque

Don’t Waste, Appreciate

Everything we have — including all of the world’s resources like water and oil — are gifts from God that we should appreciate and not

Holding On to Truth

Ya’akov spends 20 years in the house of lies and deceit. From the outset, he faced constant scheming and chicanery. Though slated to marry Rachel,

Returning to God and to Each Other

Parshat Vayeitzei Sefer Hoshea, the first book of the Trei Asar, the 12 “minor” prophets, is a collection of prophecies replete with condemnation and criticism

Long Lasting Luz

One of the most mysterious places on earth is the city of Luz. Chazal note that the malach hamavet (angel of death) had no entry

Acheinu: One Rock, One People

Stone or Stones When Yaakov lay down to sleep at Har Hamoriah, he placed multiple rocks around his head (Bereishit 28:11). When he awoke, the

My Daddy

Any preschool teacher has undoubtedly heard the comment dozens of times: “My Daddy is bigger than your Daddy.” Today, that comment may have changed a

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