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October 28, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Mission Ready

We have clarified the hashkafa needed for the members of the Great Battalion. Hashem created us humans to uplift the rest of Creation in His

 All You Need Is an Ounce

We are in the days leading to Mashiach, and in Parshat Ki Tetzei, we have the answer to bringing it faster! The Gemara tells us


Would you like to see prophecies of consolation coming true before your very eyes? We’ve been reading the haftarot of nechama—consolation–which describe Jerusalem awakening from

The Greatness of Humility

At a dinner to celebrate the work of a communal leader, the guest speaker paid tribute to his many qualities: his dedication, hard work and

Is God Our Mother?

The Talmud sternly warns against invoking Divine compassion by referencing “the compassion He shows to the mother bird,” who is sent away before her chicks

The Mizrach (Eastern) Wall

Do you have any idea how hard it is for your rabbi to concentrate on his davening? Kavana—the maintenance of clear focus during tefillah—is a

Chodesh Elul

Reb Tzvi Hersch HaKohen of Rimanov, zt”l was a humble and unassuming tzaddik—unique among the rebbes of his generation. He was orphaned as a young

When Should an Onen Recite Havdala?

לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: Our father died on Friday and was buried on Sunday. I was told to listen

Long Live the King

“You shall appoint shoftim veshotrim (judges and officers) at all your gates that God is giving you, and they shall govern the people with due

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