Can Jews Stand Aside on Syria?
All indications are strongly suggesting that the Bashar al-Assad regime used chemical weapons, ostensibly a barrel bomb containing toxic chlorine gas, on a rebel-held Syrian
All indications are strongly suggesting that the Bashar al-Assad regime used chemical weapons, ostensibly a barrel bomb containing toxic chlorine gas, on a rebel-held Syrian
Every year, we end our Sedarim by singing with hope and enthusiasm “Next Year in Jerusalem.” It is unquestionably a beautiful part of our tradition.
After leaving my shul this past Motzei Shabbat and hearing the always inspiring and heartfelt words of my rabbi, Rabbi Larry Rothwachs of Teaneck’s Congregation
There have been and will be many words used to describe Rav Ozer Glickman, z”l, since his sudden passing early this week. Scholar, rabbi, father,
There have been and will be many words used to describe Rav Ozer Glickman, z”l, since his sudden passing early this week. Scholar, rabbi, father,
The Iranians are worried about him. The Palestinians already hate him. We’re a bit enthusiastic about him. The “him” is Mike Pompeo, who Tuesday became
Last week, on the Facebook group Teaneck/Bergenfield Jewish Moms, which has almost 1,700 members, a single post garnered over 350 comments. Given our deadline it’s
Last year, my family was scattered throughout the northeast prior to the AIPAC Policy Conference. My husband went to Washington on a coach bus, as
The unity of the American Jewish community and its relationship with Israel was on display Monday evening when Vice President Mike Pence addressed the AIPAC
Last year was my first time at the AIPAC Policy Conference, but AIPAC has been a part of my family for years. My husband is
This week’s edition (Issue #222) represents our fifth-anniversary edition of The Jewish Link and, as luck has it, the edition date is the same day
On Sunday, more than 18,000 community and student activists from all 50 states will converge on Washington, D.C., to participate in the AIPAC Policy Conference.