Not in Israel, Not Anywhere
While Israel wants the attention of the world to look at its existential threat from the outside-in, namely Iran, it is also important that its
While Israel wants the attention of the world to look at its existential threat from the outside-in, namely Iran, it is also important that its
GUEST EDITORIAL Last weekend former Arkansas Governor and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee opened the oven door on President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal and let
There are nuances in speech. And there are not-so-subtle nuances. It is our wish that Secretary of State John Kerry stop with his recent rhetoric,
The destruction of both the First and Second Temples. The beginning in 1492 of the Spanish Inquisition. Allies Britain and France declare war on Germany
“My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it
Congressman Scott Garrett (R-NJ) reacted to the Iran Nuclear Deal as follows: “As I’ve said since the beginning of these negotiations, any agreement that allows
It seems that deadlines can be issued and then broken. According to the Iran Nuclear Review Act of 2015, President Barack Obama was to submit
British police made the correct decision to move an offensive neo-Nazi demonstration scheduled for this Shabbos afternoon out of a heavily populated Jewish neighborhood. We
There is no way we can even begin to pretend we can’t feel the collective community pain endured after the hate-induced murders of nine worshipers
Typically in this space, we take on the issues of the world, Israel, nation and our own local Jewish communities. Much of the time, those
So, hold on here. If you are an American citizen born in or living in Washington, D.C., when it comes time to travel overseas, your
Sometimes champions die so young that it is difficult for the rest of us to get our arms around their passing. Such is the case