The Silence is Deafening
Millions of prayers have been uttered; millions of kapitlach of Tehillim have been recited since last Erev Shabbos, when three innocent boys were snatched out
Millions of prayers have been uttered; millions of kapitlach of Tehillim have been recited since last Erev Shabbos, when three innocent boys were snatched out
Rabbi Irving Greenberg, known to many as Yitz Greenberg, is one of the seminal transformative Jewish thinkers and teachers beginning in the 1960’s through today.
Bergen County is the bedroom community for hundreds of families who have invested their time, money and children, their own livelihoods and souls in Yeshiva
Torah, to quote the song we learned as kids for this Yom Tov, came and brought us liberty. It gave us a set of basic
The jarring news this week came from the closing of the Early Childhood Center at Temple Emeth, on Windsor Road in Teaneck. The venerable program
The first political lesson we learned from the Holocaust is that if you can cast your ballot in an election, no matter how minor, you
JLBC congratulates Lizette Parker, Jason Castle, Allan Sohn and Elie Katz on their election to the town council. We wish them all the success in
Dear Friends and Neighbors, It has been a privilege and an honor serving the Township of Teaneck since 1990. I have always viewed my time
The four candidates we are endorsing, between them have well more than 60 years as volunteer public servants in Teaneck. (Yes, there is a small
Project Ezrah, Tomchei Shabbos and other local tzedakah organizations have people working overtime to meet the demands of families staggering under the economic crunch suffocating
Ehud Barak told a reporter she understood when she thanked him for putting an end to Oslo at Taba. Oslo happened because Yasir Arafat said
For years it has been common practice for leaders of the Jewish community to act as character references, especially when someone gets into trouble with