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September 27, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


In Search of Magic

Everyone loves the idea of magic. Most of us discover the delights of magic very early on in life. Have you ever played peek-a-boo with

Let’s Focus on Camp Safety

As a child I enjoyed my camp experiences. In Boy Scout camp I learned about safety, first aid and to be prepared. As a counselor

Should Daters ‘Widen the Net’?

Editor’s note: This week we are pleased to welcome The Navidaters, a.k.a. Esther and Jennifer Mann, a mother/daughter-in-law team of social workers who work as

My Kinneret Swim for Sadna

The rocks cut into my feet, as I labored to walk into the rough, shallow waters tossing me about the Kinneret. This was a test

Ride 2 Remember 2017

Have you ever wondered what you get if you gather Jewish motorcycle riders from across North America for a long weekend? You would have the

What’s Hiding Underneath

Prior to our marriage there was little discussion as to whether or not Nina would cover her hair following the big day. She remembers the

Camp Newsletter

This week we’re running a newsletter for your kids’ day camp, because yes, the camp gives out newsletters on Friday, but your kid’s not going

The Tree Near Our House

The tree in front of our house was my refuge, my means of escape from Bobby, the bully. I could jump to its lowest branch

Life Insurance: Asset or Liability?

In his 1997 bestseller, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki put forward a simple formula for financial success: “You must know the difference between an

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