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September 26, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


The Back of the Line

As if being the youngest in my family wasn’t enough, my last name didn’t do me any favors. I have a very warm place in

Gemara, Education and Life

Despite the complex world that children live in today (or maybe because of it), and despite the torrential amount of information they are exposed to

The Secret of Success

The haftarah that we read from Sefer Zecharya this week is one familiar to us, for it serves as the reading for Shabbat Chanukah as

The Whisper in the Crowd

The whisper. The shul is packed with people, and they are all waiting for that whisper. It will be any minute now. All eyes are

What Will They Think of Next?

As parents and teachers, we know that various stressors impact our children’s ability to focus and pay attention, take notes, do homework, study or take

The Pain of Love

It seems so easy. Young and innocent, older and wiser, like-minded or otherwise: couples meet. Suddenly the ground beneath them is shaking, the stars are

Glass Houses

If you’re looking to save money on your utility bill, I would highly recommend replacing your windows. Sure, you might not be able to afford

Bava Batra 122

May these words of Torah serve as a merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h.   This week we learned Bava

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