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September 25, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Leaving Modern Orthodoxy

Why would a leading Modern Orthodox rabbi join the Conservative movement at what seemed to be the height of his career? R. Harry Epstein (1903-2003)

There Is More to the Story

A number of years ago, a close rabbinic colleague called me and shared his deep frustration. The rabbi was officiating at a funeral where the

Our Source of Kedusha

The Book of Vayikra revolves around “Mikdash,” the Temple and Mishkan, beginning with the laws of korbanot (offered in the Mikdash), continuing (in Parshat Shemini)

Kedoshim: Staying the Holy Course

We’re nearly halfway through our trip—the journey of Sefirat Ha’Omer—the time period from Yetziat Mitzrayim until Kabbalat HaTorah. We have left Mitzrayim and are now

To Forget the Dead

I saw Hitler in a dream once. He had spotted an emaciated Jew trying to crawl into some cattle-cart of his, so he took the

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