Mishkan vs. Mikdash
Parshat Teruma This week’s haftarah selection comes from the fifth and sixth chapters of Sefer Melachim I, and Chazal’s choice of haftarah requires little explanation.
Parshat Teruma This week’s haftarah selection comes from the fifth and sixth chapters of Sefer Melachim I, and Chazal’s choice of haftarah requires little explanation.
Someone once noted that it’s not easy being the child of a therapist. Everything that happens in the child’s life is psychoanalyzed—why did you do
We live in a funny world, where contradictions live side-by-side and most of the time we hardly take notice. Our generation towers over others in
By the middle of first grade, you can see two students sitting cross-legged across from one another in our classrooms, giggling as they read a
Part II While most of us are quite familiar with the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal in 1492, many of us are
Reviewing: “Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: Prophecy in an Age of Uncertainty,” Rabbi Hayyim Angel, Maggid Books. ISBN:978-1592644131. There’s an old joke, that one yeshiva student
If we did not think that it was a priority for us to be at the forefront of what is going on around town, we
Former sports writer and current contributor Joseph (or Joe, as he prefers to be called) Rotenberg of Teaneck has attracted a widespread readership with his
This past Shabbos my family and I were in Kiryas Joel visiting my relatives. Both my parents’ families come from Hungary. My mother’s family moved
Every year, my kids’ teachers assign some kind of fair at school, wherein the parents do a report and then they have to come in
(Courtesy of Torah Educators Network) Representatives of 35 Jewish day schools from across North America gathered together in Boca Raton on February 5-6 as part
The story goes that a witch wanted to cast a spell on Rabi Chanina (Chulin 7b) and he said, “Do your best but it won’t