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September 24, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Bava Metzia 81 and 84

May these words of Torah serve as merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h.   This week we learned Bava Metzia

Vayeshev: The Empty Hotel Room

Bereishit: 37:24 Krechtz: Pronounced “khrehkhtz” to rhyme with “brechts.” German: krachzen, “to croak,” “to caw.” As a Verb To grunt, groan, croak, moan or wheeze

The Essence of Chanukah

Last Shabbos, the president of our shul, R’ Yossi Goldman, reminded the kehilla that Sunday evening would be December 4, and we would begin reciting

The Message Behind the Story

Parshat Vayeshev Amos, a contemporary of the prophets Yeshayahu, Micha and Hoshea, was a simple shepherd by trade who was called upon by God to

The Shpielmans Have Arrived Just in Time for Chanukah

Come meet the Shpielmans – a Jewish family of toy figures combining quality with extra fun – perfect for children, and designed beautifully enough for a museum.  The Shpielmans figures promote Jewish values, depicting

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