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September 22, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Over Our Heads

Rav Chaim Volozhin zt”l would regularly send a messenger to collect money on behalf of his yeshiva. One solicited potential donor insisted on sending his

‘Journey to the Top’

One of our Chol Hamoed outings this Pesach was to a place called “High Exposure Rock Climbing.” The facility boasts numerous 40-foot climbs to the

A New Symposium Explores Masorah

The concept of tradition evokes powerful emotions in religious debates. While less orthodox religious streams give tradition a vote, but not a veto, the more

Musings From the Past Week

We drove through the streets of Teaneck and Bergenfield on Yom Ha’atzmaut and wondered where all the flags were. Every year, on the day that

Old-Fashioned Phone

I have slowly been getting over the loss of my dear Grandma Flippy flip phone. It was very difficult in the beginning. My new screen

Fairs of the State

One of the great joys of being a parent that they don’t tell you before they send you home from the hospital is that occasionally

Shuls and Schools

Rabbi Eddie Shostak, Rav-Mechanech at the Hebrew Academy of Montreal, recently drove Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks to a speaking engagement for NCSY Montreal. He took

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