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September 21, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Key Words of the Seder: A Guide

Herut The root H-R-T only appears one time in the Tanakh (Ex. 32:16) and means “engraved,” so we have to look elsewhere for the origin

A Different Form of Oral Hygiene

The end of Parshat Shemini focused on the laws of kashrut—which animals are considered to be kosher and which are not. The majority of the

Dividing the Loot

Our Sages relate that the Torah is concerned with the money of the Jewish people. I feel that this is readily apparent from the fact


Everyone loves their kid’s smile. When they are babies and we make them smile or laugh, it’s akin to winning the lottery. I still remember

Smelly Taxes

No one likes doing their taxes. Yet according to recent reports, Americans spend 7.6 billion hours doing them every year. Go figure. But as it

Teaneck: Ir HaKodesh?

As American Jews, we are thankfully a diverse group. But nearly all of us have at least one thing in common. We or our parents

Those Were the Days

This Pesach will be the 23rd yahrtzeit for the “Rav” (Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, zt”l). When he passed away during Pesach in 1993, it was

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