Team Shabbos: Living Beyond
When I was a graduate student at Fordham University working toward my master’s in social work, a fellow student offered me a piece of advice:
When I was a graduate student at Fordham University working toward my master’s in social work, a fellow student offered me a piece of advice:
Part: III Why Johnny Doesn’t Like Talmud, and What Can Be Done This is the third part of a three-part series. We focused in Part
The first section of the second chapter in Melachim I, the haftarah selection for today, is made up of the final message given by David
Music is an integral part of a young person’s life. Most students in Jewish day schools will sing a Jewish song in tefillah at least
It’s almost January 16, and do you know what day that is? That’s right: It’s National Nothing Day. Don’t pretend. You did not know that.
There are so many aspects of making a simcha. Folks try their best in picking a menu, a band, what they say in their speeches.
Unless one is an avid skier, we find that people are very unhappy when those white flakes begin to descend upon us. Complaints are vociferous.
“NOT the Last Butterfly,” a new film co-produced and co-directed by Joe Fab, creator of the film “Paper Clips,” will be shown at the Manhattan
At the Garb I.T. Consulting Group, we made the move to merge with a larger web development company owned by Ashim Adhikari from Pattern Fusion
Typically, after winter break, the next big vacation begins to loom in the minds of the Jewish community—the often-dreaded Pesach holiday. The intense cleaning, the
HaGaon HaRav Berel Povarsky, shlita, rosh yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva, will be coming especially from Eretz Yisrael to attend the Dirshu convention, where he
I remember seeing this movie, but I can’t recall the name of it. I was about 12 years old when it was playing in our