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September 19, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Noach: The Silent Aron

It seemed like such a good idea. The new synagogue in Twin Rivers was due to be completed in November, and the old shul in

The Appropriate Timing of a Get

A recent letter to the editor of this publication (“IBD Rulings Invalidated; Women Languish,” September 10, 2015) touched on the critical question of when in

Leading Blindly

Anyone who travels to and from Monsey (or Rockland County) is familiar with the challenge of driving on the Palisades Parkway at night. During the

Looking Up At the Top Tier

It’s the fall of senior year, and that means missing 50 school days for the chagim, getting used to AP-level classes (whether they’re called AP

Relying on an Old Friend

There are many definitions of identifying an old friend. For some it could be a person whom one has grown up with and over the

Sukkah Revolution

By the time you read this, your supermarket bills have gone down considerably. You probably have not had or thought about having company, and your

Discovering Columbus

Last Monday, October 12, our nation celebrated yet another holiday. “Another holiday?” you’re saying. “I’m not cooking for this one.” The holiday was Columbus Day.

Criticizing Noah

Excerpted and adapted from ‘Talks on the Parasha’ by Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, Maggid Books (printed with permission). Rashi’s comment on the first verse in the

A Time of Joy?

A Time of Joy? “V’samachta B’chagecha,” “Moadim L’simcha,” the buses in Israel proclaim the wish for a happy, joyous holiday to all from the front

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