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September 16, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Family Fun for Chol Hamoed

With  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur behind us, Chol HaMoed is a great opportunity to relax with your family and enjoy our region’s beautiful autumn

Israel and Kids

I woke to the unusual sound of a police bullhorn blaring directives to, I assumed, a reluctant driver. I walked out of my apartment some

The Power of Hakhel

Just imagine the scene. Every single Jew, including men, women and children, assembles in the Beit Hamikdash area the Sukkot after the Shemittah year (like

Let My Lulavs Go

Ever since they enslaved our ancestors for over two centuries a few millennia ago, we have never trusted our neighbors down in Egypt. We remind

Celebrating My 100th Column

100. That number is a very big accomplishment. Living to 100, doing 100 jumping jacks, running 100 marathons, eating 100 pints of ice cream or

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