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September 16, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


For Your Amusement

If you go on Chol Hamoed trips, at some point you’re going to find yourself at an amusement park. Amusement parks are great, because you

Handshake on a Higher Level

My dentist’s receptionist called me today to ask where I was. She said, “You’re five minutes late,” and then even continued, “You aren’t here!”—really! So

The Sins of the Old

Excerpt from The Blind Angel: New Old Chassidic Tales, by Rabbi Tovia Halberstam, translated and retold by Joshua Halberstam The Radomsker Rebbe combines depth and

My Shul-Mate Else z”l

“Hubby here?” The familiar, friendly question came from good-natured Else (pronounced El-sa) Roth each Saturday as she peeked through the lace curtain on the mechitza.

Paving the Road For the New Year

We are not speaking of any old “road.” As you might guess we are speaking of Highgate Terrace, the infamous street in Bergenfield all of

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