Understanding the Mandate of ‘Loving Thyself’
In last month’s article, we observed the convergence of Torah precepts and psychological theories regarding the critical role “self-love” plays as a prerequisite for healthy
In last month’s article, we observed the convergence of Torah precepts and psychological theories regarding the critical role “self-love” plays as a prerequisite for healthy
In his essay, “On the Collaboration Between Home and School” (Collected Writings of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, Feldheim Publishers, New York, 1992, pp. 101 ff.),
A considerable amount of Parshat Naso is spent repeating in detail the offerings that each nasi brought to the Mishkan. Almost all of these pesukim
Over the years we have learned that the best occasions are those when our entire family is together. That does not mean that we have
Dear readers: The beginning of this week’s column is reprinted with permission of the author, which would be me. If you read my blog post
(The following is an excerpt of my newest book, What Is This—Some Kind of Joke? which is finally on sale wherever books are sold. Jewish
The Psychology of Tzimtzum: Self, Other and God By Mordechai Rotenberg Koren Publishers Jerusalem, $24.95 (hardcover) What is tzimtzum? What is its connection to Jewish
Sometimes it’s just downright depressing when you think about where we are as a society. I mean, have you ever thought about how little we
On Monday Rosh Chodesh Sivan, hundreds of lomdei Dirshu from Monsey and Shikun Skver gathered for a beautiful siyum and seudas mitzvah. Drashos were given
With my upcoming bar mitzvah this fall, I have been keeping my eye open for a chesed project to get involved with in honor of
May these Torah thoughts serve as a merit to elevate the Neshamah of Menachem Mendel Ben Harav Yoel David Balk a”h. This week we
Was it a compulsion? An obsession? A brief trip far from reality? It made no difference. He was going to do it, no matter what.