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September 19, 2024
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My Brother, My Friend

In commemoration of the 25th Yahrzeit of my beloved big brother, Seymour Brier The summer day that my big brother and I became friends began

The Beauty of Jewish Unity

It could have been our child. When 19-year-old Eyal Yifrach, 16-year-old Gilad Shaar, and 16-year-old Naftali Frenkel were ab­ducted as they waited for a ride

“Tikkun Olam Make-a-Thon”

Nazareth—Some 70 talented innovators in their 20s and 30s from around the world will run a very different kind of marathon in Israel, as they

Outgrowing Our Email?

Email today is the lifeline to communication. Some companies and non-profit organizations would rather lose electrical power than lose their ability to deal with e-mail.

Read Carefully Before Using

Rebecca was incensed. Every time Mrs. Klein returned her students’ essays the grades were the same. A’s for the girls the teacher liked and B’s

Stepping In

Dear D, I, Debby, a Chaplain- Intern, stepped into your room on a Monday morning back in September of 2013. You didn’t know me and

Bnei Menashe in Israel

Kfar Hasidim—Children from the Bnei Menashe community of Northeast India, who just made aliyah with their families, are already celebrating their first Shavuot in Is­rael

UnGarbled: BatterySavingTips

A complaint that I get from clients is, “My laptop is only two years old and the battery is dying after less than an hour.”

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