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September 19, 2024
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The Ophel Excavations-Summer 2013

When Matanya Schnieder, 18, signed up to join the archeological excavations at The Ophelin Jerusalem’s Old City, upon recommendation of a friend, he thought it

The Ophel Excavations-Summer 2013

When Matanya Schnieder, 18, signed up to join the archeological excavations at The Ophelin Jerusalem’s Old City, upon recommendation of a friend, he thought it

Shiva Wimps and Heroes

My wife lovingly refers to me as a shiva wimp. I would use any excuse to avoid making the traditional visit to the home of

Through the Roof

Today’s topic, now that winter is upon us, is how to save on home-heating costs. It’s not easy to save money, because no one else

The Three-Branched Mitzvah

Kochav Hashachar—A hadass is only a myrtle branch, but for Jews worldwide this simple branch takes on important significance before the holiday of Sukkot. For

Law and Life in Israel

Jerusalem—One of the newest and biggest trends in the corporate world of the 21st century is outsourcing—letting an outside group manage part or a department

Sticks and Stones

The hot Jerusalem sun bounced off the window of the Gal-Paz record shop and burned through my shirt. Ignoring the heat, I stood outside the

Back to School Night Woes

For a few years I managed to avoid going to “Back to School Night.” I thought it was something optional, something most parents dismissed in

Jewish Life At West Point

While Jewish contributions to America in science, medicine, politics and particularly arts and entertainment are colossal, there is one area where the Jewish role may

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