Unity and Open Miracles
Pesach is the paradigm of redemption in our history—the hand of God coming to rescue us from our oppressors. But Pesach is just one of
Pesach is the paradigm of redemption in our history—the hand of God coming to rescue us from our oppressors. But Pesach is just one of
Chazal say we were redeemed in the merit of the nashim tzidkaniyos (righteous women) Miriam and Yocheved, as well as all the women of Am
Please read the two letters below recently shared by Just One Life’s leadership here and in Israel. April 2024 / Adar 2, 5784 This letter
It’s Erev Shabbat in the north of Israel, and Elisha, in his late 20s, is nearly at his parents’ home when he realizes he is
As Pesach approaches, many of us will be frantically cleaning our homes, making menus (or digging up ones from years past) and shopping for an
I can’t say that it began with our arrival in Montreal. Although we ate primarily at home for each Shabbat and chag, with tons of
I have been blessed, or cursed, with an extremely sharp memory. I used to be able to walk into a room and know exactly what
It is a strange feeling to be hated by people who don’t know you and don’t want to know you. It is perplexing to hear
Baruch Hashem, as I find myself back in miluim (reserves) for round two, sitting once again on the Lebanon border, life outside and inside the
Sheitels being set and sold out of a garage. People flipping houses. Tutoring after a grueling day of students. People selling things on Amazon. Everywhere
Young influencer counteracts anti-Israel hate with truth, positivity and humor. Everyone needs a little light in their life, especially during the darker times. For some