Did Hashem Change His Mind at Akedat Yitzchak?
It is a large theological (hashkafic) problem! Hashem initially seems to instruct Avraham Avinu to offer Yitzchak Avinu as a korban (sacrifice) and, subsequently, instructs
It is a large theological (hashkafic) problem! Hashem initially seems to instruct Avraham Avinu to offer Yitzchak Avinu as a korban (sacrifice) and, subsequently, instructs
For more than 60 years, Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel, zt”l, was a trusted secretary and a member of the inner-circle of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. A
I saw an ad showing a mountain climber hanging off the side of a dangerous cliff, with the words: “Live Life to its Fullest—Experience the
Rosh Hashanah II In general, when we recall the haftarot of Rosh Hashanah, we generally think back to the reading from the beginning of sefer
In memory of Michael Laves, z”l, a good friend who always greeted people enthusiastically. Have a Good Year Many people greet each other on
As we approach Rosh Hashanah—in our relentless pursuit of earning a place in Heaven—we dedicate our lives to Torah study and fulfilling mitzvos, hoping to
Elul and Rosh Hashanah center around the concept of teshuva. Teshuva literally means “return”—but to whom, or perhaps what, are we returning to? The Gemara
No one likes confronting mortality, whether their own or that of their loved ones. Yet, death is a reality of life which shapes the contours
Since the month of Elul started, we have been waiting for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Sephardim started Selichot a few weeks ago. Ashkenazim
The seven days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur of the Aseret Yemei Teshuva, Ten Days of Repentance, are a bit of a halachic enigma.
There is a story told about Sir Isaac Newton, who was known to have been a believer in God. Newton had a friend who was
Fifty years ago, Yom Kippur and the Yamim Noraim took on new meaning. The term Yamim Noraim connotes the awesomeness of the High Holiday period